Are you called to this work?

All the skills you, as a guide/healer/coach/therapist are already using weave directly to this approach. This is an expansion of your toolkit through bringing visual wisdom into the dialogue. When their imagination is activated, their capacity to see what they haven’t been able to see before, comes into view. Our training is rooted in the basics of nueroscience, visual language, design thinking, energy psychology, storytelling, metacognitive drawing/process and the intelligence of the heart. Sound juicy? It truly, wildly and wonderfully is!

While everyone can benefit from the power of Intentional Creativity, this coursework is designed specifically for the helping, healing professional. 

This graphic was created by Intentional Creativity Teacher, Lori Danyluk, who is a graphic recorder and Artist. Imagine sharing an image like this with your client, or having them create one for themselves to work through whatever they might be going through. 


You know yourself as a person who has clients, customers, patients, or students.  

You choose to spend your life energy growing your own self-awareness and that of others.  

You resonate with the soul-level experience of another’s breakthrough.  

You see the world HEALED through raising the consciousness of the planet.  

For Storytellers, Coaches, Healers, Teachers, Therapists, Managers, Speakers, Storytellers, Artists, Team Leaders, Medicine Women, Sages, Bodyworkers, Nurses, Doctors, Pastors, Consultants and Helping/Healing Professionals, Designers, Graphic Recorders, Facilitators, Visual Practitioners, Energy Psychologists, Circle Leaders, and Guides of every modality.  

Together we will Awaken the Power of Visual Wisdom and no matter what is happening in the world around us, Be Who We KNOW ourselves to be…. 

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.  

A human being is part of a whole, called by us the "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest -a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us.  

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty…” ~Albert Einstein 

The greatest revolution is changing into self. Intentional Creativity gives a toolset and a magic wand. ~​ Susan Hubacker  

​Intentional Creativity has most impacted my life by reclaiming my artist self, removing all boundaries to my creative expression, in turn allowing me to live more authentically and in integrity with my true self.​ ~ Lisa Adriana​

"The greatest revolution is changing into self. Intentional Creativity gives a toolset and a magic wand." ~​ Susan Hubacker  

​"Intentional Creativity has most impacted my life by reclaiming my artist self, removing all boundaries to my creative expression, in turn allowing me to live more authentically and in integrity with my true self.​" ~ Lisa Adriana​

Can you imagine this?

See yourself, instead of just talking or writing, using a board with colored markers, or a template, or your ipad, to make your point or lead a process. Imagine the client, with their eyes widening in AHA! Imagine a big smile on their face, because they can ‘see’ what is happening. This seeing provides new language for things they could not conceptualize before.  

Then they pick up the pen and begin to work. Then YOU can see what is happening for them in their inner world. Then you give them the tools so they can do the work.

I recently spent the entire day with a private client. When she came in, she wanted to talk and talk and talk. . . However, the talking wasn't enough for her to fully grasp how a pattern was negatively affecting her business growth, her marriage, her self-expression and all areas of her life.  

It was not until I showed her the pattern in a drawing and how it was playing out into her business, which had compromised her cash flow, could she see how much it impacted everything. It was incredible to watch her begin to break through and shift into a more effective place. We spent the rest of the day creating new habits and new ways of being.  

We moved beyond "talking" about the pattern and into naturally shifting it. Once she saw the pattern in a graphic form, her creativity opened up and began to flow. She left radiant and glowing and very delighted for a future where her self-expression was no longer compromised.  

I just want to say, I can feel how powerful this tool is and how much it is going to augment the results my clients get. There is a natural healing ability that can open up for the client when the full spectrum of their pattern is revealed.  

Being a certified coach and facilitator, I can see how much impact this tool will have in supporting transformational work and healing. Hoping to see you there! ~ Julie Steelman  

"I recently spent the entire day with a private client. When she came in, she wanted to talk and talk and talk. . . However, the talking wasn't enough for her to fully grasp how a pattern was negatively affecting her business growth, her marriage, her self-expression and all areas of her life.  

It was not until I showed her the pattern in a drawing and how it was playing out into her business, which had compromised her cash flow, could she see how much it impacted everything. It was incredible to watch her begin to break through and shift into a more effective place. We spent the rest of the day creating new habits and new ways of being.  

We moved beyond "talking" about the pattern and into naturally shifting it. Once she saw the pattern in a graphic form, her creativity opened up and began to flow. She left radiant and glowing and very delighted for a future where her self-expression was no longer compromised.  

I just want to say, I can feel how powerful this tool is and how much it is going to augment the results my clients get. There is a natural healing ability that can open up for the client when the full spectrum of their pattern is revealed.  

Being a certified coach and facilitator, I can see how much impact this tool will have in supporting transformational work and healing." ~ Julie Steelman  

Here's Intentional Creativity Teacher and Creative Catalyst, Katherine Torrini, who has a business based in Graphic Recording, Visual Thinking & Creative Coaching. She travels the world drawing real-time, mural-sized, infographics at conferences, talks and corporate events, where these spontaneous visuals mesmerize viewers, activate creative problem solving and unlock the wisdom of the room. Pretty cool don't you think?!  

Katherine is an Intentional Creativity teacher, and co-teacher on our MOTHERBOARD faculty team and will be sharing teachings during our training as well as co-facilitating the Sacred Scribe in person gathering.  

Here are a few images from Katherine in her role as Graphic Recorder.  

Shiloh Sophia and Katherine Torrini teaching a video class on Visual Language, part of the Motherboard Curriculum

We are looking to work with those who truly care about others but are also interested in their own growth potential!  

You might have been wondering how you could make your work more impactful, unique and fun while simultaneously deepening your client’s ability to access their truth and step fully into their beingness. You might also be curious about how you can distinguish what you do so your potential clients can easily recognize you. Imagine what would be possible if there was a new technology using image, word, color, and inquiry that would give you access to your unique source code as a transformational healer/leader? What if that source code could be the game changer for you, your business, and the key to increasing your client’s success rate?

The images, words and colors the client chooses will tell a story that you will be able to help them decipher. They will help you intuitively direct the course of your approach, how you hold space, and the outcomes that are produced. Your presence is catalytic and supportive and also helps to amplify the field in which they are accessing information.  

If you have been looking to up-level your offering or define a leading-edge distinction for yourself as a change-maker and increase efficiency and results for your clients, Intentional Creativity Coaching WILL create that. With over 25 years of experience with tens of thousands of clients and hundreds using this method in their coaching approach, we know it works.  

Further, in consideration of the state of the world, employing things that will de-stress the client and the container/conversation are critical. When they are ‘wound up’ the responses they generate come from that place, a brain that is shut down, in fight or flight, and physically unable to access good decision making, creativity, etc.. When they are centered, the way they communicate shifts to deeper levels of self awareness.  

Drawing by Graphic Recorder, Katherine Torrini

Just a few minutes of our metacognitive drawing and inquiry can CHANGE the way your clients are feeling, and therefore expressing themselves. It impacts the progress you are able to make, and the exceptional results they get.  

Our invitation is to join us to experience the work yourself. You will be able to share it with those you serve almost immediately. We will show you how.  

IC has been such a gift to me. I learned about it during a time of deep grief as a result of multiple losses. The process of examining the grief, putting it on canvas, and visioning healing and next steps was so transformative. Now I have this powerful tool available to me to work through life’s challenges and transform them to joy and courage to move into the future. I am so, so grateful. ~ Patty Iammatteo  

"IC has been such a gift to me. I learned about it during a time of deep grief as a result of multiple losses. The process of examining the grief, putting it on canvas, and visioning healing and next steps was so transformative. Now I have this powerful tool available to me to work through life’s challenges and transform them to joy and courage to move into the future. I am so, so grateful."~ Patty Iammatteo  

Does this sound like you?  

  • You find your time with clients using of your energy, and you’re burned out and have no time for the other priorities in your life. 
  • Your life force isn’t available for other things you wish to pursue. 
  • You feel like you give and give but your clients aren’t having the breakthroughs you hoped, or aren’t implementing what gets covered in sessions. 
  • You want to uplevel your offering, increase your session’s impact, pricing and saleability. 
  • You are craving something new, but what?  

Together we will work with everything from the brain and the heart. Perhaps most of all, this experience is exciting, because we will be learning through having fun, through play and pleasure! We will be inviting your Muse to lead the voyage and find new ways to work with your story that you haven’t considered before. When our bodies, minds, hearts, and brains experience play, our capacity to think in complex patterns increases, and right and left brain are activated!  

Intentional Creativity Coaching will be a voyage in Consciousness and Creativity bringing the next generation of power tools into the hands of the Helpers. This experiential training is designed to catalyze your intuition, self agency and awareness, and your unique ways of knowing. Bringing mindfulness into form through creating with intention grants you access to your own information. 

Inspired to put Intentional Creativity to use in your Practice? ​Here's your next step!​ Come on over and tell us more about you.

My family/children/grandchildren have been impacted with IC. It has brought me to a new awareness of self and in turn my grandchildren love to paint using the method and won't forget who they are! ~ Janet Lynn Higley 

"My family/children/grandchildren have been impacted with IC. It has brought me to a new awareness of self and in turn my grandchildren love to paint using the method and won't forget who they are!" ~ Janet Lynn Higley 

Questions? Contact Sarah Mardell:

MUSEA : Intentional Creativity, Inc. All Rights Reserved ​1995 - 2019 ©  

75 Fremont Drive Sonoma, California 95476 United States (888) 385-6866