Metacognitive Consciousness Through Intentional Creativity®
MOTHERBOARD : Metacognitive Consciousness : A Curriculum for Curating Consciousness through identifying, catalyzing and organizing your ‘motherboard.’ Motherboard in this case refers to the set of conditions, beliefs, concepts, values that inform your identity and how you live in the world. Our hope for you, is liberation. Our teaching templates are designed to have you access, articulate and communicate YOUR content.
We will work together through virtual mediums inluding circles, masterminds, sharing our work and coaching each other. And. You will be invited to work on one big painting during the entire journey as a blessing for you, and a way of truly experiencing the power of Intentional Creativity.
Catalyst by Shiloh Sophia. This painting came through after a body work session with Uma Mulnick, who weaves Intentional Creativity into her healing arts practice.
We are about to explore the curriculum below, the heart of the philosophy. Here is the awesome part though, you will be APPLYING THIS CURRICULUM into self expression based real FORMS like the following...
Our creative process will guide you to
For the So many trainings are rooted in concept, ideas, and structures without the actual practice part. There is practice with client work, and in group, but really truly to EXPERIENCE it for yourself in form. By form, we literally mean, you make something in form/matter with your hands, mind and heart. This is one of the most powerful ways to learn and teach what you know.
These modules will be delivered in experiential multimedia. This is a more linear overview of what we will be exploring and the content we will be diving into. You will experience it yourself, then learn how to bring the experience to your clients. Mostly, the work takes place within yourself, and by connecting your inner and outer worlds through drawing, writing, thinking, being, practicing, conversation, and trying on the concepts. Many of these overlap and don’t respond well to the linear flow because they are intersecting more than a hierarchy, yet this allows our left brains to be satisfied.
This will be achieved through visual journaling, creative process, video teachings, and dialogue. They will be presented in a step-by-step path, leaving room for the great mystery! ALL RESULTS will be achieved through creative action and your awareness of that action as it is happening in real time via your observer.
While we will be working directly with your story, who you have been being, we will only be visiting this story relative to where you are going. We won’t be digging up all the old baggage and re-organizing the contents one more time. Rather we will only be looking at those features of the story that prevent you from inhabiting your chosen desires. Chances are you have already done a lot of this work - but have you done it in IMAGE, WORD and COLOR? Can you SEE your results, point to them, revisit them again and again, or is it just an awareness of having done the work? Awareness is awesome, and our curriculum truly dives into that as our first module. But...have you been creative with your process of becoming, in form? Meaning you ‘made something with your hands?’ THIS MEANS YOU EMBODY IT IN REAL TIME, PHYSICALLY and ENERGETICALLY so it is happening on a lot more levels than the mental!
Each aspect of the module will be something YOU can use with YOUR clients once you have gone through the process. Each process employs IMAGE, WORD, COLOR, and INQUIRY to arrive at the source code available to you at any given time. Making knowledge visual is actually very natural to us, but isn’t something we are taught. We are taught to watch it, in every area of our life from what we buy, to what we learn. Where in your life is image and language not happening? It is truly EVERYWHERE that something is communicated in form, except in the natural world, and our physical bodies.
The modules are experienced through conversation in our calls and masterminds, through your visual journaling process, you working on these with your clients AND through the creative process using paint. Your creative process is WHAT will equip you to know and embody this work. Some of them are mental and mindful, others including drawing and meditating, others have dares for you to try out in your life. This creates a rich experiential tapestry for you to embody the material.
This is an invitation to become conscious. Intentional Creativity will be our vehicle. We together will make YOUR knowledge visual, alchemizing it into VISUAL wisdom. This is embodied imagination in action.
BECOMING AWARE: Identifying and breaking free of constraints and discovering how to use your voice.
SELF AWARENESS: Who Am I? Who is doing this thinking/seeing/being?
CONTEXTUAL AWARENESS: Where Am I? (this body, this earth, this frame, this environment)
RELATIONAL AWARENESS: What are my relationships/responsibilities?
COSMIC AWARENESS: What is my connection to the divine/universe/unknown?
1. BECOMING AWARE: Identifying constraints and discovering how to use your voice. SELF AWARENESS: Who Am I? Who is doing this thinking / seeing / being? CONTEXTUAL AWARENESS: Where Am I? (this body, this earth, this frame) RELATIONAL AWARENESS: What are my relationships/responsibilities? COSMIC AWARENESS: What is my connection to the divine/universe?
QUANTUM CREATIVITY: Discovering how to be at cause through liberating yourself and discovering how to use your mind.
CALLING CHOICES: What is mine to do in my life and how do I do it?
AUTHORSHIP CHOICES: How much self agency do I really have?
MANIFESTATION CHOICES: How do I bring ideas (consciousness) into matter/form?
CONSCIOUS CHOICES: How do I create quantumly?
QUANTUM CREATIVITY: Discovering how to be at cause through liberating yourself and discovering how to use your mind.
CALLING CHOICES: What is mine to do in my life and how do I do it?
AUTHORSHIP CHOICES: How much self agency do I really have?
MANIFESTATION CHOICES: How do I bring ideas (consciousness) into matter/form?
CONSCIOUS CHOICES: How do I create quantumly?
INTEGRATING SELVES: Discover the specific facets of the self that leads to a greater awareness and conscious intentional choice to integrate those facets.
SELF DISCOVERY: Creating alignment between soul, body, self, mind and field using the imagination and Intentional Creativity to 'practice' integration. Being 'quantumly creative'.
POWER DISCOVERY: Initiating intentional choice and getting familiar with the concept of the 'imprensiva' as a way to 'think' about your brain and senses and how they inform your experience.
HEALING DISCOVERY: Work with affirmations specific to the many facets of the self to create a more embodied way of being.
WHOLENESS DISCOVERY: Connecting your inner and outer selves, cosmos and earth, soul and body. The symmetry of the soul.
INTEGRATING SELVES: Discover the specific facets of the self that leads to a greater awareness and conscious intentional choice to integrate those facets.
SELF DISCOVERY: Creating alignment between soul, body, self, mind and field using the imagination and Intentional Creativity to 'practice' integration. Being 'quantumly creative'
POWER DISCOVERY: Initiating intentional choice and getting familiar with the concept of the 'imprensiva' as a way to 'think' about your brain and senses and how they inform your experience.
HEALING DISCOVERY: Work with affirmations specific to the many facets of the self to create a more embodied way of being.
WHOLENESS DISCOVERY: Connecting your inner and outer selves, cosmos and earth, soul and body. The symmetry of the soul.
PRACTICING the FIELD: Begin to explore how you can tune into the field in your work for greater cognition.
PRACTICING BEING HUMAN: Develop the awareness of your client as a whole human being and treat them that way.
PRATICING INTUITION: Discover how you can bring your intuition into your coaching sessions in a truly authenic way.
PRATICING the IC PATTERN: Look at the skills in context with the IC Coaching Pattern and how they fit into the flow you are using.
PRACTICING INQUIRY: Begin to make a list of your own Powerful Questions and FOCUSED Inquiries that can lead your client to a breakthrough.
METACOGITIVE DRAWING CHOICES: Explore the choices of how you will work with drawing in your sessions.
PRACTICING the FIELD: Begin to explore how you can tune into the field in your work for greater cognition.
PRACTICING BEING HUMAN: Develop the awareness of your client as a whole human being and treat them that way.
PRATICING INTUITION: Discover how you can bring your intuition into your coaching sessions in a truly authenic way.
PRATICING the IC PATTERN: Look at the skills in context with the IC Coaching Pattern and how they fit into the flow you are using.
PRACTICING INQUIRY: Begin to make a list of your own Powerful Questions and FOCUSED Inquiries that can lead your client to a breakthrough.
METACOGITIVE DRAWING CHOICES: Explore the choices of how you will work with drawing in your sessions.
iNVOKING WONDER: A fresh view that is Muse Infused - one that can be provacative and inspiring.
INVITING YOUR CLIENTS INTO POWERFUL INQUIRY: Asking powerful questions that are designed to catalyze access.
COCREATING WITH YOUR OWN CONSCIOUNESS: Becoming accountable to the idea that you can be co-creative with your own consciousness. How does it work and how you can you deepen your capacity.
AWAKENING BY CHOICE: Recognizing that consciousness is ours to embody and curate. Doing what you can to become awake by choice and invite others to the same.
WORKING WITH YOUR WAY OF SEEING, LISTENING THINKING and BECOMING: Experiencing this through inquiry and metacognitive drawing.
EXPLORE THE FIVE SACRED INQUIRIES FOR SELF-AWARENESS THROUGH INTENTIONAL CREATIVITY: Capacity, Structures, Coherency, Cocreation, and Authorship DEVELOP A TEACHING: You are invitated to develop a teaching that can be shared with your clients. Work from a place of invoking WONDER.
INVOKING WONDER: A fresh view that is Muse Infused - one that can be provacative and inspiring.
INVITING YOUR CLIENTS INTO POWERFUL INQUIRY: Asking powerful questions that are designed to catalyze access.
COCREATING WITH YOUR OWN CONSCIOUNESS: Becoming accountable to the idea that you can be co-creative with your own consciousness. How does it work and how you can you deepen your capacity.
AWAKENING BY CHOICE: Recognizing that consciousness is ours to embody and curate. Doing what you can to become awake by choice and invite others to the same.
WORKING WITH YOUR WAY OF SEEING, LISTENING THINKING and BECOMING: Experiencing this through inquiry and metacognitive drawing.
DEVELOP A TEACHING: You are invitated to develop a teaching that can be shared with your clients. Work from a place of invoking WONDER.
CURATING CONSCIOUSNESS: Intentional Creativity in its purest form - providing people ways to work with themselves to be able to see what is hidden
UNDERSTANDING WHAT IT MEANS TO BE 'AWAKE': Being self-aware to the point that your soul allows you to be at this time.
LIVING AT THE 'QUIVERING EDGE' OF AWAKENING: Developing YOUR awareness of YOU, feeling the change in your body and energy
BEING AT CAUSE FOR THE AWAKENING OF OTHERS: Moving from your own awakening to supporting others in seeing what they haven't been seeing
HOLDING A COLLABORATIVE FIELD and FLOW: Empowering you to be conscious enough to be available to what arises in the moment with a client - with access to your resources or invention on the spot.
UNVEILING INSIGHT: Working through IC to quicken or stir access to the unconscious 'unknown' parts
CURATING CONSCIOUSNESS: Intentional Creativity in its purest form - providing people ways to work with themselves to be able to see what is hidden
UNDERSTANDING WHAT IT MEANS TO BE 'AWAKE': Being self-aware to the point that your soul allows you to be at this time.
LIVING AT THE 'QUIVERING EDGE' OF AWAKENING: Developing YOUR awareness of YOU, feeling the change in your body and energy
BEING AT CAUSE FOR THE AWAKENING OF OTHERS: Moving from your own awakening to supporting others in seeing what they haven't been seeing
HOLDING A COLLABORATIVE FIELD and FLOW: Empowering you to be conscious enough to be available to what arises in the moment with a client - with access to your resources or invention on the spot.
UNVEILING INSIGHT: Working through IC to quicken or stir access to the unconscious 'unknown' parts
SENSUAL SOMATICS: Connecting and consulting with the body and its senses in the IC coaching process
CURATING SENSUAL ENVIRONMENTS: Designing your coaching space and sessions to honor your clients sensual nature.
OFFERING RITUAL TO IGNITE THE SENSUAL: Creating rituals that invite your clients more deeply into their somatic sensing and intuitive body.
INQUIRY DRAWING: Using metacognitive drawing as a coaching tool in response to your client's body language.
INTUITIVE DRAWING: Guiding the client into feeling states and a future orientation through guided visualization and metacognitive drawing.
I AM HERE STROKES: Inviting your client to be here NOW - experiencing themselves as fully PRESENT.
MODULE 7 : SENSUAL SOMATICS SENSUAL SOMATICS: Connecting and consulting with the body and its senses in the IC coaching process CURATING SENSUAL ENVIRONMENTS: Designing your coaching space and sessions to honor your clients sensual nature. OFFERING RITUAL TO IGNITE THE SENSUAL: Creating rituals that invite your clients more deeply into their somatic sensing and intuitive body. INQUIRY DRAWING: Using metacognitive drawing as a coaching tool in response to your client's body language. INTUITIVE DRAWING: Guiding the client into feeling states and a future orientation through guided visualization and metacognitive drawing. I AM HERE STROKES: Inviting your client to be here NOW - experiencing themselves as fully PRESENT.
QUANTUM CONNECTION: Understanding the Red Thread as the talismanic symbol of quantum connetion.
SENDING and RECEIVING: Understanding the consciousness and science of quantum connection and what happens when we intentionally send and receive
METACOGNITIVE DRAWING: Working with metacognitive drawing to explore your inner intelligence and awareness of quantum connection.
COHERENCY THROUGH INTENTION: Recognizing the way intention activates coherency in the mind/body/heart/field.
MODULE 8 : QUANTUM CONECTION QUANTUM CONNECTION: Understanding the Red Thread as the talismanic symbol of quantum connetion. SENDING and RECEIVING: Understanding the consciousness and science of quantum connection and what happens when we intentionally send and receive METACOGNITIVE DRAWING: Working with metacognitive drawing to explore your inner intelligence and awareness of quantum connection. COHERENCY THROUGH INTENTION: Recognizing the way intention activates coherency in the mind/body/heart/field.
Turning your voice, value and vision into compelling stories that call in clients and ignites their readiness to work with you.
THE INVITATION: Begin to shape and voice the container you will invite clients to step into.
THE OFFER: What is your vision for your clients' new results? How can they benefit from your guidance?
THE LANGUAGE: How can you use what you have learned to craft parables that sell?
THE CONTRIBUTION: Becoming ready to fully embody and embrace the true value and possibility that you bring to your clients.
Turning your voice, value and vision into compelling stories that call in clients and ignites their readiness to work with you.
THE INVITATION: Begin to shape and voice the container you will invite clients to step into.
THE OFFER: What is your vision for your clients' new results? How can they benefit from your guidance?
THE LANGUAGE: How can you use what you have learned to craft parables that sell?
THE CONTRIBUTION: Becoming ready to fully embody and embrace the true value and possibility that you bring to your clients.
Expanding your coaching skills and capacities to effectively and efficiently guide your clients through metacognitive processes.
Enhance your gifts by learning the innovative coaching competencies that uplevel client's results, nurture you and foster new ways of being.
These will be woven through-out the training and you will get time to practice with your sisters.
Expanding your coaching skills and capacities to effectively and efficiently guide your clients through metacognitive processes.
Enhance your gifts by learning the innovative coaching competencies that uplevel client's results, nurture you and foster new ways of being.
These will be woven through-out the training and you will get time to practice with your sisters.
“The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind—creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers, and meaning makers.”
― Daniel H. Pink, A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future
MOTHERBOARD PAINTING: We will be working on a large painting as part of our process. My idea is that this painting is the backdrop behind your desk or work area - a cosmic mandala that is a place you work out your ideas of your Motherboard. Where you compost and process...
You don't need any painting skills and this will be a wild ride into the unknown. We will be taking the curriculum concepts and adding them into the the painting. YOU WILL BRING YOUR MESSAGE, YOUR VISUAL KNOWLEDGE into COLOR, SHAPE, TEXTURE and STORY!
Imagine being able to share this level of consciousness awakening with your clients and beloveds!
Note: This overview is subject to adjustment as we journey. If you have studied with us in previous courses, you will notice recurring themes. With this training hopes to facilitate is how you will share these technologies directly with your clients. This is a distillation of the philosophy that animates the transformative power inherent within Intentional Creativity.
The Experience we hope to bring you will be ecstatic, awakening, fun and so insightful.
Here are a few of the results and experiences we hope to bring:
Insight: You will gain greater, deeper, wider, quicker access to your intuitive capacity. This will support you in supporting those you serve to give them powerful outcomes.
Savvy: You will learn to communicate abstract ideas and bring them into form.
Freedom: You will discover new ways of working to bring to your clients so they can do their own work.
Transformation: You will practice using technology in a sacred way, changing the experience of using a computer to communicate messages and work with illustration.
Inspiration: You will dive into your own ‘source’ and gain access to your information. You will be equipped with the emergent technology of Intentional Creativity
Skill: You will learn some basics of graphic recording used in the industry to develop your own visual language.
Resources: You will create a lexicon of symbols and codes you can use to demonstrate your ideas.
De-stress: You will experience the power of Metacognitive Drawing and how it can calm your system and have your client move into a more relaxed state.
Mysterious: Learn the subtle yet potent art of virtual ritual
Imagination: You will know how to access your own visual wisdom in fantastical ways
Clarity: You will develop a practice in image and language that you will always be able to use, in any situation, to create clearer communication.
Smarty-pants: You will gain visual skills for seeing, thinking and knowing that are so simple, you will be surprised you didn’t use them before.
Smarty-paints: You will learn basic painting process for use with clients.
Kaboom-ness: You will be able to facilitate breakthroughs for your clients like never before, because they will be creating their own breakthrough, instead of you having to do it for them.
Play: Together, we will have a fun time! Because it is impossible not to! We will be working with the idea of the ‘muse’
Those you will work with will be able to experience your uplevelling of capacity to offer life changing experiences.
In our work we are using the metaphor of the ‘motherboard’ to indicate the hidden ‘operations’ of human beings. The modules give us access to those ‘source codes’.
Just like we don’t see our consciousness, we don’t see how we are operating. This is what we come in with, as in, family, origins, ancestry etc. but then there are beliefs, traditions, values, overlayed and programmed into us by others.
Questions? Contact Sarah Mardell:
“...a lot about what triggers a creative mode as opposed to an uncreative mode is situational. The creative mode is called for in contexts that are unclear, vague and open-ended. The opposite is true of the uncreative mode. And so the uncreative mode involves walking firmly along the "path of least resistance" through the black-and-white zone of the expected, the obvious, the accurate or the efficient. Whereas the creative mode involves turning away from the path of least resistance and venturing into the briars so to speak in an effort to forge a new path through the gray zone of the unexpected, the vague, the misleading or the unknown.”
~ The Neuroscience of Creativity: Anna Abraham
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75 Fremont Drive Sonoma, California 95476 United States (888) 385-6866