Self Awakening and Source Code Access

As you awaken you naturally begin to offer that expansion to others. 

As you awaken, your messages become clear and your teachings refined.

As you awaken, your joy comes to life in ways you never imagined...

Creativity is an embodied practice for ALL beings, not just for the talented. We are all using it ALL the time...what is different in our training is we teach you HOW to use it for thinking and self expression. 

“I just want to remind you we are all a detail in our galaxy. Our galaxy cannot do without each of us. The body we live in is our Cosmic Address at this time. We are transistorized versions of our true size... We are much bigger than we think...we will come to know how huge a power we are.” ~ Sue Hoya Sellars

My Cosmic Heart by Sue Hoya Sellars

When we say this is a training in awakening and accessing your internal information, we are referring to a metaphor of 'source code'.  

We all come in with certain beliefs, systems, and structures. We are largely unaware of this programming and it lives at deeply subconscious and unconscious levels. When these are outside of our awareness, we operate in the world unconsciously.  

We don’t know what is operating behind the scenes, dominating our experience.  

In our voyage of life, we seek to liberate the hidden patterns - to wake up - to become more conscious. To live from our deepest truth and share our gifts. To be aware of our message and what is ours to cause and create in the world.  

This training will grant you access to your source code - as much as you are available to it at any given time - it will bring to your awareness this hidden operating system. What we call, your “motherboard”, a metaphor that communicates powerfully about how you operate.  

Your ‘motherboard’ has been hidden from view and as much as we try, it is challenging to work with what we do not SEE. Further, how we feel is greatly impacted by what we see or don’t see. Image offers us evidence of the unseen, bringing heightened awareness into the conversational experience. Within us, there is so much more information here than the words & letters of our traditional “vocabulary” can express. But how do you get inside to gain access? This is what Intentional Creativity is all about.  

Metacognition is connected to reflection on one’s own mental activity. In our case, it is concerned with sparking consciousness about consciousness. When we engage with this level of awareness the mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical selves are activated. Everything in us responds.  

Instead of ‘sleepwalking through life,’ or being in a ‘fog’, we can choose to engage with ourselves as cosmic beings having a human experience that we get to be a part of. Understanding of our co-creative nature is one of the first steps in the liberation of our self awareness.

I am grateful to Intentional Creativity for leading me to truth, teaching me to honor all parts of my existence, connecting and holding me, gifting me with courage to bring my joys and sorrows to canvas and the page, and transforming my stories and changing my life course. Finding Shiloh and IC was my destiny...the Red Thread brought me home. ~ Dawn Karolides

"I am grateful to Intentional Creativity for leading me to truth, teaching me to honor all parts of my existence, connecting and holding me, gifting me with courage to bring my joys and sorrows to canvas and the page, and transforming my stories and changing my life course. Finding Shiloh and IC was my destiny...the Red Thread brought me home." ~ Dawn Karolides

Becoming Visually Literate - Making the Invisible, Visible...

Your internal Source Code started long before you had access to language. Image is one of the most powerful languages of Source. When you unlock your own power of Image - through Intentional Creativity - you literally SEE what has been previously unseen and YOU are the one authoring it. Through seeing it, your right and left brain collaborate with the intelligence of the heart. Alignment is created in ways we have always hoped was possible!  

Intentional Creativity is the technology that will guide you to see and experience, literally on the page, canvas, wall, or digital device. At its core, it is simply to create with mindfulness. To bring your awareness into your creation.  

Intentional Creativity is an approach to creating. We invite the realizations available from mindfulness, your interior knowing and being, into form.  

“Quantum physics presents a new and exciting worldview that challenges old concepts, such as deterministic trajectories of motion and causal continuity. If initial conditions do not forever determine an object’s motion, if instead, every time we observe, there is a new beginning, then the world is creative at the base level.” ~ Amit Gaswami, Self Aware Universe 

Here's an example of a visual journaling page from one of our Facilitators, Katherine Torinni. Can you imagine being able to SEE your work? And be able to SEE and KNOW what your clients are really trying to say? 

What is Motherboarding?  

Motherboarding as a whole works with metacognitive consciousness. This approach invites access to your hidden information and facilitates metacognitive awareness. You will explore what it means to re-write your Motherboard, your internal way of operating and being. Motherboarding is the Intentional Creativity process to gain access. Using image, word, color and inquiry to arrive at new information, refine pathways, adjust projections, insights and inputs. This work provides new ways of thinking and acting, and ultimately, a new level of expanded results and awareness.  

Our step-by-step templates are designed to awaken you. This is the first part of our voyage. Then you will learn to share these templates with your clients.

Here are photos from a video process with Shiloh Sophia. Some templates will involve painting and some will involve paper/pen. 

Inspired to put Intentional Creativity to use in your Practice? ​Here's your next step!​ Come on over and tell us more about you.

Intentional Creativity has most impacted my life by assisting me out of a spiral of grief. Learning how to alchemize emotions, stress, and old stories has made room for me to live once again in the present moment. ~ Kara Young  

"Intentional Creativity has most impacted my life by assisting me out of a spiral of grief. Learning how to alchemize emotions, stress, and old stories has made room for me to live once again in the present moment." ~ Kara Young

Want to learn more about how Shiloh Sophia 'thinks and works' as well as experience a simple Metacognitive Drawing process?

For this you will need about twenty minutes and a paper and pen. Shiloh begins with talking about the process, then guides you in a simple inquiry, followed by a peek into the wilds of her studio...

Questions? Contact Sarah Mardell:

MUSEA : Intentional Creativity Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved ​1995 - 2019 ©  

75 Fremont Drive Sonoma, California 95476 United States (888) 385-6866