A Meta-Selfing Experience Virtual Class with Shiloh Sophia

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During this live Intentional Creativity® class, you will...

EXPAND: Instantly elevate your conscious awareness of your hidden identity

EXPERIENCE: Metacognitive drawing as applied to the Intentional Creativity® Meta-selfing Model

DISCOVER: Three essential inquiries about your part in the great unfolding

PLAY: Have a great time thinking about being you while being you to discover you...it's zen...

GATHER: Experience quantum connection with women around the world diving in!

RESULTS: Learn how knowing yourself gives you the tools to begin caring about more than just yourself....how it works.


Message from the class guide, Shiloh Sophia

We also talk about our upcoming 13 Moon Voyage, where over 100 women will paint on one painting all year, adding layer after layer of awakening about what it means to consciously choose to become a true human being. On your own terms. Speaking of 'your own terms', do you know what your terms are? 

When you don't know who you are: You make choices inconsistent with who you are. When you don't know who you are: Your relationship to yourself reamains mostly hidden. When you don't know who you are. Your gifts cannot unfurl themselves in all their glory.

The challenge is that most of us were not taught how to know ourselves, infact, quite the opposite. We were taught WHO to be by looking outside of ourselves when the inside self has almost all the answers we are ever looking for. The trouble is, most of the time we don't know how to GET IN to find OUT what is INSIDE.  

I do. I know how to get in and teach others how. Diving into the unknown, mystical, mythical, merky, magical, waters is my specialty. I am Shiloh Sophia, artist, poet, community leader who has dedicated my life to awakening consciousness through creativity. What have you got to lose? Tens of thousands of women have already jumped in the water, whatcha waiting for? ~ Shiloh Sophia  

Selfie at Santa Maria Novella, Florence Italy, 2018  

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Shiloh Sophia is a leader in curating consciousness through Intentional Creativity®. Her groundbreaking work is taught at universities, schools, hospitals, clinics, social service settings, the United Nations and the corporate sector. For 25 years she had lead a global movement rooted in self expression as a basic human right, reaching tens of thousands and educating over 300 teachers in this method.