Visionary Business Class Manifesting Through Flow and Form 

Let's work together over 5 weeks to re-vision your business through uncertain times.
Bring your creativity to the table in a new way through working visually with company story and updated messaging.

Visionary Business Plan Class + Group Coaching Calls and Training

"Your business exists because you say so. No one gets to define that for you. A bottom line or how much money you have in the bank isn't your business, your VISION is your business. Let's revision together. " Shiloh Sophia, Founder MUSEA : Intentional Creativity®

Uncommon times call for uncommon women
Will you redefine what business means to you?
Watch this video and see if you are called to join us!

Welcome! Registration for this course is currently closed. We plan to run it again in early 2021. To add your name to our 'first to know' list, click the button and enter your name and email.

Stay Informed

If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution.
A revolution without dancing is not a revolution worth having.
If there won't be dancing at the revolution, I'm not coming.
1869-1940 Emma Goldman

Intentional Creativity® Experience
Designed for Entrepreneurs and Visionaries
Ideal for those getting started or needing
a re-visioning for their business!  

Guided by Shiloh Sophia
Business Coach, Mary MacDonald
Including Guest Business Leaders,
Amy Ahlers & Lynn Johnson

Online Video Course provided upon registration
Includes 5 weeks support
Videos are yours to keep!
Follow along with us
or go at your own pace

Claim Your Seat!

Partial Scholarship + Payment Plan Available as needed


Create a NEW Visionary Business Plan revised for an evolving marketplace. Define the 16 areas inherant in every business model - in full color!

Gather with women online for support, encouragment and heartstorming. Receive group coaching for your new vision.

Develop a new business model from flow to form. How you have been working in the past is not how you will be working in the future.

Receive an overview of the components of building a sales page, as well as communication campaigns that convert to leads or sales.

Develop a 'slide deck' of cards that serve as action steps to inform your next dance move. Let the MUSE inspire your business.

Work visually to map out your ideas on paper and use Metacognitive Drawing to access some of your deepest hidden insights.

Redefine your message appropriate the the context of the global happening. What's the story you are telling? How does reach those you serve?

Move into the position of power, no matter how much money you have or don't - your business is a business because you say so. Let's make it so!

Do the work you need to bring your business into an online framework - or make a powerful choice to hit the pause button and re-invent.

Spend time dreaming up what is truly needed at this time and how to make it happen. We need to adjust expectations and align our resources.

There is a potential for finding another woman in a field different than yours so the two of you can team up to support one another.

Discover the power of a Muse-led business and how it is unique to you and your own creative flow. Translate flow into form.

"This class has been so inspirational for me. I have been able to totally embrace a new way of imaging my business. I keep checking in with the various information centers within my body and holding little mini conferences with them, i.e., "heart, so what do you think about what gut is suggesting?" I keep taking bigger and bigger steps towards a business model that is way out there for me. I'm not quite ready to share or even language it yet but it is indeed emerging in a most wonderous way. Thank you all for your love, support and just being my community right now. I know I wouldn't even be thinking these thoughts if it wasn't for this class/group, never mind actually considering taking action on them!" – Yarrow Summers

"Shiloh Sophia is a visionary for the divine feminine way in business igniting the potential in others to rise up and take their rightful place at the plentiful table of the Goddess. As an innovator, imaginator and creatrix, she dares to color outside the lines of possibilities with big broad strokes in order to transcend mainstream thinking. An invigorating breath of fresh air in business! Thank Goddess!" – Diane Merpaw  

Visionary Business Class
Manifesting Through Flow & Form 

Let's work together over 5 weeks to re-vision your business through uncertain times. Bring your creativity to the table in a new way through working visually with company story and updated messaging.

Visionary Business Plan livestream + Group Coaching Calls and Training

"Your business exists because you say so. No one gets to define that for you. A bottom line or how much money you have in the bank isn't your business, your VISION is your business. Let's revision together. " ~ Shiloh Sophia, Founder of MUSEA: Intentional Creativity®

Uncommon times call for uncommon women. Will you redefine what business means to you?

Welcome! Registration for this course is currently closed. We plan to run it again in early 2021. To add your name to our 'first to know' list, click the button and enter your name and email.

If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution. A revolution without dancing is not a revolution worth having. If there won't be dancing at the revolution, I'm not coming - 1869-1940 Emma Goldman

Intentional Creativity® Experience
Designed for Entrepreneurs & Visionaries
Ideal for those getting started
or needing a re-visioning for their business!  

Guided by Shiloh Sophia
with Business Coach, Mary MacDonald
Including Guest Business Leaders,
Amy Ahlers & Lynn Johnson

Online Video Course provided upon registration. Includes 5 weeks support + Videos are yours to keep! Follow along with us or go at your own pace

Partial Scholarship + payment plan available.


Create a NEW Visionary Business Plan revised for an evolving marketplace. Define the 16 areas inherant in every business model - in full color!

Gather with women online for support, encouragment and heartstorming. Receive group coaching for your new vision.

Develop a new business model from flow to form. How you have been working in the past is not how you will be working in the future.

Receive an overview of the components of building a sales page, as well as communication campaigns that convert to leads or sales.

Develop a 'slide deck' of cards that serve as action steps to inform your next dance move. Let the MUSE inspire your business.

Work visually to map out your ideas on paper and use Metacognitive Drawing to access some of your deepest hidden insights.

Redefine your message appropriate the the context of the global happening. What's the story you are telling? How does reach those you serve?

Move into the position of power, no matter how much money you have or don't - your business is a business because you say so. Let's make it so!

Do the work you need to bring your business into an online framework - or make a powerful choice to hit the pause button and re-invent.

Spend time dreaming up what is truly needed at this time and how to make it happen. We need to adjust expectations and align our resources.

There is a potential for finding another woman in a field different than yours so the two of you can team up to support one another.

Discover the power of a Muse-led business and how it is unique to you and your own creative flow. Translate flow into form.

"Shiloh Sophia is a visionary for the divine feminine way in business igniting the potential in others to rise up and take their rightful place at the plentiful table of the Goddess. As an innovator, imaginator and creatrix, she dares to color outside the lines of possibilities with big broad strokes in order to transcend mainstream thinking. An invigorating breath of fresh air in business! Thank Goddess!" – Diane Merpaw  

Discover 16 Essential Frameworks
for Entrepreneurs Who Dance Between the Worlds 

As an entrepreneur, being equipped with the power tools to navigate the next decade is essential. You don't want to do business by other's standards, you want to do it your way. These days we need to be informed about the global context as well as learn to become savvy in the virtual marketplace.

 We will weave within the traditional and feminine framework of a business plan to create a vision aligned with your values. Each of our guests will create a 16-card deck for inspiration for their business, as well as a full color 8-page book. 

Whether you are just starting out in your business or have been at this for a long time, revisioning your approach and strategies through play and pleasure will be a fun, insightful and powerful. You have never seen a business plan quite like this one, we can guarantee it! Our approach takes the aspects of making a business personal and professional to the next level. Plus we will be giving you a tool to use over and over for your business.

Women who have a business with heart, dance between the worlds of being true to ourselves, as well as honoring the need for sustainability. Dancing between the worlds is what many of us learn to do, drawing both from our intuitive mystical nature, as well as our analytical, structure-based and orderly nature. Can we be bring these elements together? Of course we can - let's do it!  

Our Intentional Creativity® experience is an invitation to:  

Embody Your Message
Access the Wisdom of Your Heart
Discover How to Move Between Worlds
Empower Your Gifts for Good
Activate the Power of Right and Left Brain
Choose to Be Philanthropic Now
Invite Your Muse to Show the Way
Uplevel Your Business Story & Take a Stand
Connect with Desire for Your Sacred Assignment
Dive into the Numbers as Sacred
Dance your way to prosperity!  

You are invited to join Shiloh Sophia and Mary MacDonald, dear friends and colleagues for over 16 years, who have taught together, led events together and created trainings and courses such as Color of Woman and Legend: The Cosmic Cowgirls Course (along with Jenafer Joy). These two forces combine the power of Intentional Creativity with years of experience growing online business from the heart. 

With these Wise, Wild and FUN women entrepreneurs as your Guides, you will create your own DANCING ENTREPRENEUR CARD DECK and the VISION PLAN BOOK through the framework of YOUR creativity, innovation, and passion, inspired by the heart. 

You will explore your relationship to each of the 16 essential frameworks based on curriculum that has been tested by Shiloh Sophia herself for over twenty years. We work with both flow (right brain, fluid, whole) and form (left brain, linear, parts). 

To support you as much as possible to get results and momentum during this course, we are including weekly LIVE group coaching calls + you will have access to a private classroom to receive support from certified Intentional Creativity Teachers who have studied business with Shiloh Sophia.

For years Shiloh Sophia taught the first half of this curriculum through the Vision Plan book. Now she has added the 'deck' for inspiration with the idea of 'what is your next dance move'. Business requires we revisit the same areas of our structure and approach over and over with fresh eyes. 

Photos from Dancing Entrepreneur video course that you receive upon registration.

Shares from some of our students

 Got so much clarity on a BIG long-term project, with things to drip in before. Can’t wait to complete my plan and do a live video for my beloveds. And share ideas with my publisher. The Muse is a happy mermaid after some weeks on hiatus. ~ DT

Refocused. Reenergized. Rewarded. Remembering. Recognizing. Remarkable! ~ NM

Very insightful and many inspiring thoughts and action steps I need to take. I am not good with "deadlines" but I am going to challenge myself to 90 days to start getting my stuff out there. I will use this method for many projects to come. ~ LK

WOW, so much energy, inspiring, grounded, owning the entire gifting! and so real. Thank you. ~ SE

Huge gratitude to you and your team. And to your muse for sharing so wholeheartedly. I'm inspired. Tired. On fire. And In Flow. Got some pearls from my muse for my messaging. Feeling the support. Thank you to the circle ~ BL 

Discover 16 Essential Frameworks for Entrepreneurs Who Dance Between Worlds 

As an entrepreneur, being equipped with the power tools to navigate the next decade is essential. You don't want to do business by other's standards, you want to do it your way. These days we need to be informed about the global context as well as learn to become savvy in the virtual marketplace.

We will weave within the traditional and feminine framework of a business plan to create a vision aligned with your values. Each of our guests will create a 16-card deck for inspiration for their business, as well as a full color 8-page book. 

Whether you are just starting out in your business or have been at this for a long time, revisioning your approach and strategies through play and pleasure will be a fun, insightful and powerful. You have never seen a business plan quite like this one, we can guarantee it! Our approach takes the aspects of making a business personal and professional to the next level. Plus we will be giving you a tool to use over and over for your business.

Women who have a business with heart, dance between the worlds of being true to ourselves, as well as honoring the need for sustainability. Dancing between the worlds is what many of us learn to do, drawing both from our intuitive mystical nature, as well as our analytical, structure-based and orderly nature. Can we be bring these elements together? Of course we can - let's do it!  

Our Intentional Creativity® experience is an invitation to:  

Embody Your Message Access the Wisdom of Your Heart Discover How to Move Between Worlds Empower Your Gifts for Good Activate the Power of Right and Left Brain Choose to Be Philanthropic Now Invite Your Muse to Show the Way Uplevel Your Business Story & Take a Stand Connect with Desire for Your Sacred Assignment Dive into the Numbers as Sacred Dance your way to prosperity!  

You are invited to join Shiloh Sophia and Mary MacDonald, dear friends and colleagues for over 16 years, who have taught together, led events together and created trainings and courses such as Color of Woman and Legend: The Cosmic Cowgirls Course (along with Jenafer Joy). These two forces combine the power of Intentional Creativity with years of experience growing online business from the heart. 

Mary’s guidance and best of all – her compassionate, caring, and often unconventional conversation – has been a true blessing in my life and has helped me radiate that out to those that I serve. Mary is a great part of the web of connection and change that I’m weaving. ~Danna Clare

Mary MacDonald and Shiloh Sophia

With these Wise, Wild and FUN women entrepreneurs as your Guides, you will create your own DANCING ENTREPRENEUR CARD DECK and the VISION PLAN BOOK through the framework of YOUR creativity, innovation, and passion, inspired by the heart. 

You will explore your relationship to each of the 16 essential frameworks based on curriculum that has been tested by Shiloh Sophia herself for over twenty years. We work with both flow (right brain, fluid, whole) and form (left brain, linear, parts). 

To support you as much as possible to get results and momentum during this course, we are including weekly LIVE group coaching calls + you will have access to a private classroom to receive support from certified Intentional Creativity Teachers who have studied business with Shiloh Sophia.

For years Shiloh Sophia taught the first half of this curriculum through the Vision Plan book. Now she has added the 'deck' for inspiration with the idea of 'what is your next dance move'. Business requires we revisit the same areas of our structure and approach over and over with fresh eyes. 

Photos from Dancing Entrepreneur video course that you receive upon registration.

Shares from some of our students

 Got so much clarity on a BIG long-term project, with things to drip in before. Can’t wait to complete my plan and do a live video for my beloveds. And share ideas with my publisher. The Muse is a happy mermaid after some weeks on hiatus. ~ DT

Refocused. Reenergized. Rewarded. Remembering. Recognizing. Remarkable! ~ NM

Very insightful and many inspiring thoughts and action steps I need to take. I am not good with "deadlines" but I am going to challenge myself to 90 days to start getting my stuff out there. I will use this method for many projects to come. ~ LK

WOW, so much energy, inspiring, grounded, owning the entire gifting! and so real. Thank you. ~ SE

Huge gratitude to you and your team. And to your muse for sharing so wholeheartedly. I'm inspired. Tired. On fire. And In Flow. Got some pearls from my muse for my messaging. Feeling the support. Thank you to the circle ~ BL 

Let's Dance!

Dancing Entrepreneur Online Video Course

Upon registration receive immediate access to daylong class with Shiloh Sophia.

5 weeks LIVE support in a private virtual classroom + Zoom Calls with Mary MacDonald.

Follow along with us or go at your own pace. Everything is recorded!

  • Design your Dancing Entrepreneur Card Deck and Create Your 8-page Vision Plan Book
  • Learn the 22 Steps to bring your business Online
  • Receive a teaching about Creating your Online Invitation
  • Receive a LIVE Zoom Call every week for group coaching, support and connection. Calls are hosted by Mary MacDonald and will include guest business leaders Amy Ahlers, Lynn Johnson and Shiloh Sophia. You will have a chance to share your progress as well as mastermind in small breakout groups with other women.
  • Access our private classroom to experience live support from Intentional Creativity teachers who have studied business with Shiloh Sophia. Ask them questions, share celebrations/challenges and be witnessed by your peers.
  • Explore the 16 Essential Frameworks for Flow and Form and how they relate to you personally as a visionary entrepreneur.
  • Discover what it means to be an Entrepreneur and Visionary during these times and learn how what you have to offer can be relevant through online offerings and connection.
Enrollment Closed: Stay Informed

*To support our community during these challenging times, those who need a partial scholarship are welcome to use code 'save20' and receive 20% savings.

Motherboard Students and Guild may use code 'paint' to receive their savings.

Wondering if you need a business to take this class? The answer is no. This course is intended for women who are currently in business or thinking of starting one. No matter what level of entrepreneurship you are in, this course will give you clarity to take actionable steps forward.

Materials: 2 Pieces of watercolor paper size 22x30, 140 lb. , Acrylic paint or watercolor, brushes, spray bottle, hole punch, colored Sharpies or pens that work with paint, glitter, Red Thread, candle and a cuppa' tea.  

Let's Dance!

Dancing Entrepreneur Online Video Course

Upon registration receive immediate access to daylong class with Shiloh Sophia.

5 weeks LIVE support in a private virtual classroom + Zoom Calls with Mary MacDonald.

Follow along with us or go at your own pace. Everything is recorded!

  • Design your Dancing Entrepreneur Card Deck and Create Your 8-page Vision Plan Book
  • Learn the 22 Steps to bring your business Online
  • Receive a teaching about Creating your Online Invitation
  • Receive a LIVE Zoom Call every week for group coaching, support and connection. Calls are hosted by Mary MacDonald and will include guest business leaders Amy Ahlers, Lynn Johnson and Shiloh Sophia. You will have a chance to share your progress as well as mastermind in small breakout groups with other women.
  • Access our private classroom to experience live support from Intentional Creativity teachers who have studied business with Shiloh Sophia. Ask them questions, share celebrations/challenges and be witnessed by your peers.
  • Explore the 16 Essential Frameworks for Flow and Form and how they relate to you personally as a visionary entrepreneur.
  • Discover what it means to be an Entrepreneur and Visionary during these times and learn how what you have to offer can be relevant through online offerings and connection.

*To support our community during these challenging times, those who need a partial scholarship are welcome to use code 'save20' and receive 20% savings.

Motherboard Students and Guild may use code 'paint' to receive their savings.

Wondering if you need a business to take this class?
The answer is no. This course is intended for women who are currently in business or thinking of starting one. No matter what level of entrepreneurship you are in, this course will give you clarity to take actionable steps forward.

Materials: 2 Pieces of watercolor paper size 22x30, 140 lb. Acrylic paint or watercolor, brushes, spray bottle, hole punch, colored Sharpies or pens that work with paint, glitter, Red Thread, candle and a cuppa' tea.  

Our Guest Business Leaders
Amy Ahlers & Lynn Johnson

As part of the Dancing Entrepreneur Course, we are bringing you voices from women business leaders who have weathered the ups and downs of both online and on-location business using heart-centered business approach combined with long-term growth and sustainability practices. Allow these women to raise your vibration of what's possible for you and your business.

Amy Ahlers, Founder of Wake-Up Call Coaching is a celebrated women's leadership expert, master coach, keynote speaker, and bestselling author. After a successful career as a top producing sales executive, she entered the world of coaching two decades ago and has touched the lives of over 150k people. Amy has been a featured keynote speaker on stages at places like Google, Charles Schwab, and Oracle and has appeared on countless TV and radio shows as a coach and expert.  

Lynn Johnson, Founder of Spotlight Girls is an award-winning entrepreneur, Girl Advocate, and CEO of Spotlight: Girls – a “Best for the World” certified B Corp based in Oakland, CA that inspires, educates, and activates girls & women to take center stage and become the leaders we have been waiting for. 

Our Guest Business Leaders
Amy Ahlers & Lynn Johnson

As part of the Dancing Entrepreneur Course, we are bringing you voices from women business leaders who have weathered the ups and downs of both online and on-location business using heart-centered business approach combined with long-term growth and sustainability practices. Allow these women to raise your vibration of what's possible for you and your business.

Amy Ahlers, Founder of Wake-Up Call Coaching is a celebrated women's leadership expert, master coach, keynote speaker, and bestselling author. After a successful career as a top producing sales executive, she entered the world of coaching two decades ago and has touched the lives of over 150k people. Amy has been a featured keynote speaker on stages at places like Google, Charles Schwab, and Oracle and has appeared on countless TV and radio shows as a coach and expert.  

Lynn Johnson, Founder of Spotlight Girls is an award-winning entrepreneur, Girl Advocate, and CEO of Spotlight: Girls – a “Best for the World” certified B Corp based in Oakland, CA that inspires, educates, and activates girls & women to take center stage and become the leaders we have been waiting for. 

Is it time to revisit your biz plan?

Is it time to revisit your biz plan?

What's your next Dance Move?

About this Intentional Creativity Experience  

CONTEXT: We are creating our own revolution in language, energy, and action. Most business language is constructed in reference to sports and war. We are reclaiming that language to reflect the ideas, ideals, and energy of the heart-based entrepreneur.  

CONCEPT: The concept is to IDENTIFY the essential elements of a business plan, since most of us don't think about it or see it as a whole. Then we inquire, 'thinking,' 'seeing,' and 'feeling' each area with new eyes, and expand awareness of the values and features of each category. This way you can inform your business with the greatest heart and consciousness you have!  

AWAKENING: Become conscious of each area of your business and the new language you are bringing to each area. Looking at the inquiry at the top, then the flow and form in language.  

AFFIRMATION: Once you review each area, you will go back through a second time and create an affirmation, an 'I AM' statement of some kind that affirms your stand for that part of your business (and write it in your book). For example - WHO: the Beloved/Client I am calling in...  

ACTIONS: Once you create the affirmation you can go back through again and add actions or more details for that area as inspired by looking at the Informing Drivers. At this point you can add more writing in the book or bring it to the computer. Finally, if you choose, bring the ideas into a traditional business plan.  

If you want to create a heart‑centered business, access information you don’t have access to at the moment that has the potential to unlock new levels of potential for your business, change your perspective on finances and how to bring it in, Shiloh’s coaching, guidance, intuition, and creativity are a powerhouse! You can’t unknow what is revealed to you during the coaching sessions… so be ready for intense movement forward with your business if you say YES! – Evelyne Verret

What's your next Dance Move?

About this Intentional Creativity Experience  

CONTEXT: We are creating our own revolution in language, energy, and action. Most business language is constructed in reference to sports and war. We are reclaiming that language to reflect the ideas, ideals, and energy of the heart-based entrepreneur.  

CONCEPT: The concept is to IDENTIFY the essential elements of a business plan, since most of us don't think about it or see it as a whole. Then we inquire, 'thinking,' 'seeing,' and 'feeling' each area with new eyes, and expand awareness of the values and features of each category. This way you can inform your business with the greatest heart and consciousness you have!  

AWAKENING: Become conscious of each area of your business and the new language you are bringing to each area. Looking at the inquiry at the top, then the flow and form in language.  

AFFIRMATION: Once you review each area, you will go back through a second time and create an affirmation, an 'I AM' statement of some kind that affirms your stand for that part of your business (and write it in your book). For example - WHO: the Beloved/Client I am calling in...  

ACTIONS: Once you create the affirmation you can go back through again and add actions or more details for that area as inspired by looking at the Informing Drivers. At this point you can add more writing in the book or bring it to the computer. Finally, if you choose, bring the ideas into a traditional business plan.  

If you want to create a heart‑centered business, access information you don’t have access to at the moment that has the potential to unlock new levels of potential for your business, change your perspective on finances and how to bring it in, Shiloh’s coaching, guidance, intuition, and creativity are a powerhouse! You can’t unknow what is revealed to you during the coaching sessions… so be ready for intense movement forward with your business if you say YES! – Evelyne Verret

Proprietary Intentional Creativity® Curriculum for Dancing Entrepreneur 

The 16 Essential Frameworks - Flow & Form 

As you look at each framework, there is a structure. At the top is a single WORD. This is the framework and the inquiry to ask yourself. Who are you? Who do you serve? What are you offering? etc. As you go through each area/inquiry, you engage with the right brain first for your thinking, allowing yourself to see the whole first, engaging with flow before form.  

The next word, in cursive script, is the new language we are claiming in flow. Right underneath is the more business-like WORD in all caps which would normally be used in a traditional Business Plan. This is always a work in progress and has been offered to thousands of people in various forms for the past 18 years by Shiloh Sophia, the founder of Intentional Creativity.  

Through play, imagination, dreaming, visioning and working with symbols and language you will design your own business plan right onto a deck of cards. The idea is that the deck becomes a 'practice' and that when you are working on your business you pull a card and work on that area for a minimum of 15 minutes, making it fun and moving through resistance. There are several deeper layers of the curriculum that we will only be sharing with the students in our course. Yet we wanted to share this with you so that you could get a little spark of interest considering what we are about to do....




Guest CLIENT  


Offering PRODUCT  








Prosperity FINANCIALS 


Philanthropy SERVICE  








Collective "The WORLD" 








Transformation MISSION 

Proprietary Intentional Creativity® Curriculum for Dancing Entrepreneur 

The 16 Essential Frameworks
Flow & Form

As you look at each framework, there is a structure. At the top is a single WORD. This is the framework and the inquiry to ask yourself. Who are you? Who do you serve? What are you offering? etc. As you go through each area/inquiry, you engage with the right brain first for your thinking, allowing yourself to see the whole first, engaging with flow before form.  

The next word, in cursive script, is the new language we are claiming in flow. Right underneath is the more business-like WORD in all caps which would normally be used in a traditional Business Plan. This is always a work in progress and has been offered to thousands of people in various forms for the past 18 years by Shiloh Sophia, the founder of Intentional Creativity.  

Through play, imagination, dreaming, visioning and working with symbols and language you will design your own business plan right onto a deck of cards. The idea is that the deck becomes a 'practice' and that when you are working on your business you pull a card and work on that area for a minimum of 15 minutes, making it fun and moving through resistance. There are several deeper layers of the curriculum that we will only be sharing with the students in our course. Yet we wanted to share this with you so that you could get a little spark of interest considering what we are about to do....




Guest CLIENT  


Offering PRODUCT  








Prosperity FINANCIALS 


Philanthropy SERVICE  








Collective "The WORLD" 








Transformation MISSION 

An Ode to Mary – I’ve loved working with Mary and wholeheartedly recommend her. Mary is a wise elder and amazing mentor of the feminine paradigm. I have felt seen, supported and celebrated throughout our work together. She helped me identify what was important to me, what I had to offer and how to turn it into a viable business. She’s walked with me through uncertainty and self-doubt and cheered my successes. I’ve been so blessed to have her in my corner.  

While Mary’s business expertise is considerable and her commitment to the feminine paradigm unparalleled it is the way she loves and guides from her heart that makes it a joy and an honor to work with her. I always know she is pulling for me and championing my cause. And that is priceless. ~ Joni Maher, Revolutionary Heart

Stay Informed

An Ode to Mary – I’ve loved working with Mary and wholeheartedly recommend her. Mary is a wise elder and amazing mentor of the feminine paradigm. I have felt seen, supported and celebrated throughout our work together. She helped me identify what was important to me, what I had to offer and how to turn it into a viable business. She’s walked with me through uncertainty and self-doubt and cheered my successes. I’ve been so blessed to have her in my corner.  

While Mary’s business expertise is considerable and her commitment to the feminine paradigm unparalleled it is the way she loves and guides from her heart that makes it a joy and an honor to work with her. I always know she is pulling for me and championing my cause. And that is priceless. ~ Joni Maher, Revolutionary Heart

Questions? Contact:

Share this invitation with your Entrepreneur friends!

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Our hopes for you  

  •  Increased clarity about your business plan
  •  A plan of action you initiate immediately
  •  Increased intuition on behalf of your projects
  •  Discover the alignment that creates optimal prosperity
  •  Feel the supportive structure of dedicated time spent on your biz
  •  Revisioning your business from the perspective of the heart
  •  Increased capacity to move between worlds 
  •  New feminine language for old business ideas
  •  Creative practice you can use again and again  

Questions? Contact:

Share this invitation with your Entrepreneur friends!

Shiloh Sophia has taught her 'Dancing Entrepreneur' Curriculum to hundreds of women worldwide. This is the first time she has brought it into a video teaching template for her community. Shiloh is a unique Visionary mind who has broken all the rules in her business, finding her own way of working. 

Shiloh Sophia and Mary MacDonald leading Color of Woman Muse Gathering at MUSEA Centers for Intentional Creativity in Sonoma

About Your Guides 

About Mary MacDonald, aka Stellamac: Mary MacDonald, aka StellaMac, is the Countess of Curiosity and the Queen of Questions whose Muse prods, cajoles and believes in her without condition. She gives new meaning to the word versatile. For the past 30 years she has boldly gone forth in the not for profit, artistic, educational and for profit worlds where she has used her extraordinary relationship building skills to achieve success for her clients in marketing, fundraising, public relations, communications, training and development, and writing. She works in California and Canada as a teacher, coach and consultant.

About Shiloh Sophia: Shiloh Sophia lives life as a great adventure narrated by the creative fire of her Muse! She has dedicated her life to the belief that self-expression is a basic human right and shares her message with thousands around the world through her paintings, poetry, and teachings. She leads a global movement of revolutionary education focused in Intentional Creativity®, as offered in the Color of Woman Teacher Training. She co-founded a Studio and Center for Intentional Creativity®, MUSEA, in Sonoma, California, with her husband Jonathan. Most mornings, she can be found having tea with her Muse, pouring over quantum physics, philosophy, and sacred texts in the Red Thread Cafe. 

YOU are the FUTURE by Shiloh Sophia
For my Fellow Entrepreneurs in times of Great Change.

Your business exists,
even if your bottom line has changed.

Your business exists because it is not made of numbers,
codes, indexes, markets, surges, stats and regular math.

Your business is not binary or a spreadsheet,,
your business is part of the circle of life itself.

Your business exists because it lives inside of your DREAM,
and your VISION for making a contribution to the planet.

If you feel underwater, and if I know anything about our kind,
you will learn to breathe here. We are learning new things.

Even if you have too much debt,
and can't imagine how it will ever be otherwise.

Even if you don't have any money, right now. And you don't know
when more is coming. Even then. Your business exists.

Even if you can't give your customers or investors
the answers or refunds they want.

You may be magic,
but you aren't required to tell the future.

You are the future.
But that doesn't mean you need to know what it looks like.

Those who want answers now, and become insta' as*holes,
cut em' lose. They didn't get it anyway.

More often than not, those with a corporate headset, customers
or companies, have no idea what entrepreneurs actually do.

Just try to tell them!? And you will see. We speak
a different language here, and our math is sacred.

Our math says that no one will suffer for profit.
Our values say that humans and creation are the true value

Your business exists because you say so.
As long as you say it does. No one can choose for you.

Do not let your reputation define you,
define it for yourself, by claiming a visioning cycle.

You are going to say so, aren't you?
You are made for times like these.

Your business is woven with hope for humanity
and therefore cannot die - evolve, yes - die, no.

Your business exists, if you choose
to put up a 'gone fishin' sign in the physical or virtual window.

Your business reflects your heart-centered values and care
for those you serve, now or in the past or the future.

Dear precious visionaries, we need YOU to exist.
Do not close your doors too soon or admit defeat! Stay!

Keep energy flowing, even gently with your awareness, make
a simple altar with your business card and hold your reality firm.

Being in integrity does not mean telling every single facet
of your business, it means curating the appropriate context.

You are the one who narrates the story of your business.
What part of the story are you in today? You choose.

You are defining a new bottom line that became a circle.
You have never likely been about profit over process or progress.

You continually re-invested in the dream, that's why you
don't have more reserves. There is no shame in giving all you got!

Don't let the accountants tell you your worth. Period.
Your worth is from sources no one but you knows about.

Your business is not just you, it is colleagues, clients, coaches,
Consultants. Your business represents more than your fear.

You don't need to feel ashamed about continuing to charge
for services you can still deliver on. Design a relevant plan

Those who believe in your work, will continue to support you.
They will be patient with the flow of your evolving form.

Your hard won eccentric, diverse, futuristic, edgy, risky, esoteric,
innovative, disruptor ideals are essential to the unfolding!

Listen, you have been financing your own revolution,
almost since you were a kid. Your business is a story, not a brand.

Entrepreneurs are weaving a new fabric right now and we need
your colorful threads as a part of the new design. Don't go!

Your business exists because you say so.
Are you listening? Please! Pause with me, here.

Let your heart speak the truth now,
truth is all we have, as rare as it may be.

Your real business is not something that can be owned.
And you are not your business. You gave birth to it.

Your real business is the invisible, becoming visible.
You make something out of nothing, and you know it!

All of us who have spent our lives creating an alternate
possibility for the marketplace, stand with you. I do.

If you survive this, you will have the wisdom we need!
Don't forget! Dreamer! The fire in your bones remembers!

This old paradigm IS shuttering to a halt - it won't be able to
keep going, it wasn't designed to last. But you were.

You didn't make your business plan with an exit strategy,
you wove your plan with pure love, to exist as love.

Listen changemaker, innovator, rebel with a cause -
something new is happening, and your voice is requested!

There is a seat at the table with your name on it.
If you don't show up, no one else can take your place.

This is a giant permission slip to exist.
Finally, we are in this together, all of us.

You are the future!

May Love Be at the Center of All Choices

Intentional Creativity® All Rights Reserved 2010-2020  

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Shiloh Sophia has taught her 'Dancing Entrepreneur' Curriculum to hundreds of women worldwide. This is the first time she has brought it into a video teaching template for her community. Shiloh is a unique Visionary mind who has broken all the rules in her business, finding her own way of working. 

Shiloh Sophia and Mary MacDonald leading Color of Woman Muse Gathering at MUSEA Centers for Intentional Creativity in Sonoma

About Your Guides 

About Mary MacDonald, aka Stellamac: Mary MacDonald, aka StellaMac, is the Countess of Curiosity and the Queen of Questions whose Muse prods, cajoles and believes in her without condition. She gives new meaning to the word versatile. For the past 30 years she has boldly gone forth in the not for profit, artistic, educational and for profit worlds where she has used her extraordinary relationship building skills to achieve success for her clients in marketing, fundraising, public relations, communications, training and development, and writing. She works in California and Canada as a teacher, coach and consultant.

About Shiloh Sophia: Shiloh Sophia lives life as a great adventure narrated by the creative fire of her Muse! She has dedicated her life to the belief that self-expression is a basic human right and shares her message with thousands around the world through her paintings, poetry, and teachings. She leads a global movement of revolutionary education focused in Intentional Creativity®, as offered in the Color of Woman Teacher Training. She co-founded a Studio and Center for Intentional Creativity®, MUSEA, in Sonoma, California, with her husband Jonathan. Most mornings, she can be found having tea with her Muse, pouring over quantum physics, philosophy, and sacred texts in the Red Thread Cafe. 

YOU are the FUTURE by Shiloh Sophia
For my Fellow Entrepreneurs in times of Great Change.

Your business exists, even if your bottom line has changed. Your business exists because it is not made of numbers,
codes, indexes, markets, surges, stats and regular math.

Your business is not binary or a spreadsheet, your business is part of the circle of life itself.

Your business exists because it lives inside of your DREAM, and your VISION for making a contribution to the planet.

If you feel underwater, and if I know anything about our kind, you will learn to breathe here. We are learning new things.

Even if you have too much debt, and can't imagine how it will ever be otherwise.

Even if you don't have any money, right now. And you don't know when more is coming. Even then. Your business exists.

Even if you can't give your customers or investors the answers or refunds they want.

You may be magic, but you aren't required to tell the future.

You are the future. But that doesn't mean you need to know what it looks like.

Those who want answers now, and become insta' as*holes, cut em' lose. They didn't get it anyway.

More often than not, those with a corporate headset, customers or companies, have no idea what entrepreneurs actually do.

Just try to tell them!? And you will see. We speak a different language here, and our math is sacred.

Our math says that no one will suffer for profit. Our values say that humans and creation are the true value

Your business exists because you say so. As long as you say it does. No one can choose for you.

Do not let your reputation define you, define it for yourself, by claiming a visioning cycle.

You are going to say so, aren't you? You are made for times like these.

Your business is woven with hope for humanity and therefore cannot die - evolve, yes - die, no.

Your business exists, if you choose to put up a 'gone fishin' sign in the physical or virtual window.

Your business reflects your heart-centered values and care for those you serve, now or in the past or the future.

Dear precious visionaries, we need YOU to exist. Do not close your doors too soon or admit defeat! Stay!

Keep energy flowing, even gently with your awareness, make a simple altar with your business card and hold your reality firm.

Being in integrity does not mean telling every single facet of your business, it means curating the appropriate context.

You are the one who narrates the story of your business. What part of the story are you in today? You choose.

You are defining a new bottom line that became a circle. You have never likely been about profit over process or progress.

You continually re-invested in the dream, that's why you don't have more reserves. There is no shame in giving all you got!

Don't let the accountants tell you your worth. Period. Your worth is from sources no one but you knows about.

Your business is not just you, it is colleagues, clients, coaches, Consultants. Your business represents more than your fear.

You don't need to feel ashamed about continuing to charge for services you can still deliver on. Design a relevant plan

Those who believe in your work, will continue to support you. They will be patient with the flow of your evolving form.

Your hard won eccentric, diverse, futuristic, edgy, risky, esoteric, innovative, disruptor ideals are essential to the unfolding!

Listen, you have been financing your own revolution, almost since you were a kid. Your business is a story, not a brand.

Entrepreneurs are weaving a new fabric right now and we need your colorful threads as a part of the new design. Don't go!

Your business exists because you say so. Are you listening? Please! Pause with me, here.

Let your heart speak the truth now, truth is all we have, as rare as it may be.

Your real business is not something that can be owned. And you are not your business. You gave birth to it.

Your real business is the invisible, becoming visible. You make something out of nothing, and you know it!

All of us who have spent our lives creating an alternate possibility for the marketplace, stand with you. I do.

If you survive this, you will have the wisdom we need! Don't forget! Dreamer! The fire in your bones remembers!

This old paradigm IS shuttering to a halt - it won't be able to keep going, it wasn't designed to last. But you were.

You didn't make your business plan with an exit strategy, you wove your plan with pure love, to exist as love.

Listen changemaker, innovator, rebel with a cause - something new is happening, and your voice is requested!

There is a seat at the table with your name on it. If you don't show up, no one else can take your place.

This is a giant permission slip to exist. Finally, we are in this together, all of us.

You are the future!

May Love Be at the Center of All Choices

Intentional Creativity® All Rights Reserved 2010-2020  

Questions? Contact

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